Kids First
Kids Evaluations
Occupational & Physical Evaluations

Kids First employs masters level OTs and PTs to provide thorough CPSE and EI evaluations. The evaluations can be conducted at the child’s school or the Kids First office most convenient to you.
Evaluation measures can include:
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales 2nd edition(PDMS2)
Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration-Beery
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2-BOT
Sensory Profile 2
Comprehensive evaluations with parent friendly content are provided which will fully explain each child’s strengths and weaknesses in the motor area. Evaluations assess a childs fine motor and gross motor skills along with sensory processing abilities. Each evaluating professional contacts the parents to review the results of the evaluation prior to the CPSE or IFSP meeting.
Evaluations can be administered in a variety of languages including Spanish.
Speech Evaluations
Kids First employs speech/language pathologists to conduct both individual speech and language assessments as well as provide speech therapy. Therapy can be provided on an individual basis or in a small group dependent on the child’s needs and the IEP. Speech and Language evaluations can be completed in English or Spanish.
Evaluation measures can include:
Preschool Language Scales-5(PLS-5)
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-4(CELF-4)
Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis-2(KLPA-2)
Oral and Written Language Scales(OWLS)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-4(PPVT-4)
Receptive One-Word Picture and Vocabulary Test(ROWPVT)
Expressive One-Word Picture and Vocabulary Test(EOWPVT)
Individual and small group therapy can be provided to address articulation concerns, phonological process disorders, stuttering, receptive and expressive language delays as well as oral motor issues.
All evaluations and progress reports or annual reviews can be translated into Spanish to allow families to be active participants in their child’s therapy.
Comprehensive evaluations with test scores and parent friendly content, to describe each child’s strengths and weaknesses in the speech/language area, are provided to the district in a timely fashion. Each evaluating professional contacts the parents to review the results of the evaluation prior to the CSE or IFSP meeting.

Psychological Evaluations

Kids First recruits and trains our licensed psychologists to administer the most recent and accurate measures to determine a child’s cognitive abilities, learning styles, emotional functioning as well as provide diagnostic information.
All psychological evaluations provide a cognitive measure or IQ score along with measures of behavioral and adaptive functioning.
If additional concerns exist:
Our psychologists utilize the ADOS2 in conjunction with other measures and can provide a diagnosis of ASD based on the standardized results coupled with clinical opinion and experience. The measures generally utilized in an assessment are:
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2 (ADOS2)
Childhood Autism Rating Scale, 2nd Ed. Standard Version(CARS2-ST)
Childhood Autism Rating Scale, 2nd Ed. Questionnaire for Parents(CARS2-QPC)
DSM-IV Interview
Behavioral Observation
Clinical Interview
If a provisional diagnosis is appropriate the psychologist is able to assist with educational placement and support.